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gameplay problems

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gameplay problems

Because a cocky admin wont accept my problems and got banned again for no reason i try this way to get the crap solved.

When i play i experience the following problems:

i get spawned in direct front of the samen enemy in cluster of 4, 5 times. Not once but on regular basis. 4, 5 th time i get spawned at another spot in the map so that is the only normal thing.

i see enemy hit me true walls and crates and stuff, but when i shoot the same way, nothing happens...

I requested several times to repair that stupid crap but all i get is a kindergarten crap answer instead of a serious explanation of the gameplay.
I am really frustrated if admin think they are god and be a goddamn cocky dickhead instead of spec and watch and explain,.
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Re: gameplay problems

Just thought I'd mention why you never received a reply. Your language doesn't give anyone any desire to spend their spare time to help you with your problems.

When asking for help, it is generally a good idea to use humble language. You are asking people for a favor.

People generally don't do favors for people calling them dickheads. I doubt this wil change in the future.